It is estimated that, to put a new drug on the market, are required more than $2B and 10-12 years in R&D. More than 80% of drugs that look promising in animal models fail when tested in humans.
TTOP is a modular, versatile, and user-friendly MicroPhysiolgical platform that guarantees more predictive results than conventional cell culture technologies, replicating complex human pathophysiological conditions, minimizing the controversial animal use in research.
TTOP features a cartridge-based design that is ideal for both traditional studies and advanced culture techniques.
Its patented design allows for careful management of biological samples,
enabling damage-free retrieval
for end-point analysis or reuse in subsequent treatments.”
The modularity of TTOP technology enables a transition from
conventional static in vitro modeling to
advanced culture conditions, that mimic the human dynamic microenvironment.
Moreover, it allows real time monitoring of cell growth and differentiation.
TToP versatily allow to host multiple types of biological samples.
versatily allow to host multiple types of biological samples.